Checking your order Status:
If you have placed on order and you want to check its status, you can view this from your account.
- Sign into your account and then click "Account" in the store header and navigate to Orders.
- Find the order by number and the Status is displayed next to it. A status of "Shipped" or "Complete" indicates your order has been shipped.
Tracking your order with the carrier tracking number:
All shipments have a tracking number. It is mailed to you as a separate email from the shipping system along with an electronic copy of your packing slip. It is essential that you use a valid email so you do not miss our correspondence about your orders.
To find your tracking number:
Option 1.
- Search your email for the shipping notice. If you cannot find an email from Delosi Labs, then please check your junk/spam folder. If you find it there, please add that email to your email approved white list or contacts as required by your mail service so it shows up in your inbox instead.
Option 2.
- Sign into your account and then click "Account" in the store header and navigate to Orders.
- Find the order by number and click the "Order Details" link.
- The shipping details with the tracking number is displayed at the top of the order information page.